With the proven methods behind HypnoBirthing, you can journey into your labor with excitement, a beautiful sense of calm, and most importantly: confidence. We at HypnoBirthing Chicago are here to help!
We all want to have a beautiful birth, but let’s be honest: we hear scary birth stories, and we are conditioned to believe that labor is this horribly painful and excruciating experience.
The wonderful news? It doesn’t have to be this way.
Birth is a completely normal and instinctive process that the body was literally designed accomplish. Our HypnoBirthing childbirth education class gives you the tools to have a joyful, fulfilled, and calm birth by utilizing the natural powers that our mind has over our body. From specific guided visualization techniques, to self-hypnosis, you will learn how to harness your natural abilities to embrace the birthing process without fear or anxieties.
I know how important taking a thoughtful, informative and empowering childbirth education class is for expecting parents.
Yes, there are tons of childbirth education classes out there – but many don’t include the most crucial piece of the puzzle when it comes to labor: the fact that your body is MADE for this , and the power that your mind has over how you handle fears, anxieties and perception of pain when it comes to the birth of your baby.
By combining the innate wisdom your body already has, and the power that your mindset has over your birth experience, I am honored to be teaching mama’s these amazing techniques behind HypnoBirthing.